
function ThirdwebProvider(
props: PropsWithChildren<ThirdwebProviderProps<TChains>>,
): Element;


The props for the component.

activeChain (optional)

The activeChain prop determines which chain you want your app to be operating on.

There are 1000+ chains available in the @thirdweb-dev/chains package. Import the chain you want and pass it to the activeChain prop.

You can override the imported object or pass a custom chain object with required properties.

supportedChains (optional)

An array of chains supported by your app. There are 1000+ chains available in the @thirdweb-dev/chains package. You can import the chain you want and pass it to the supportedChains prop in an array.

If not provided, it will default to the default supported chains supported by the thirdweb SDK.

import { Ethereum, Polygon } from "@thirdweb-dev/chains";
function Example() {
return (
supportedChains={[Ethereum, Polygon]}
<App />

clientId (optional)

The clientId prop is required to use the thirdweb infrastructure services with the SDK.

You can get a client ID by creating an API key on thirdweb dashboard

supportedWallets (optional)

Wallets supported by the dApp

If no wallets are provided, the default wallets will be used which is equivalent to the following:

import {
} from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

theme (optional)

Set the theme for all thirdweb components

By default it is set to "dark".

theme can be set to either "dark" or "light" or a custom theme object.

You can also import lightTheme or darkTheme functions from @thirdweb-dev/react to use the default themes as base and overrides parts of it.

import { lightTheme } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const customTheme = lightTheme({
colors: {
modalBg: "red",

locale (optional)

locale object contains text used for all thirdweb components

it allows you to change the language used in UI components or override the texts used in the UI

React SDK comes out of the box with Spanish and Japanese locale functions, but you can add support for any language you want just by passing an object with the required strings

Using Built-in Locales

Using the Spanish locale
import { ThirdwebProvider, es } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const spanish = es();
<ThirdwebProvider locale={spanish}>
{" "}
<App />{" "}
Using the Japanese locale
import { ThirdwebProvider, jp } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const japanese = jp();
<ThirdwebProvider locale={japanese}>
{" "}
<App />{" "}
Using English locale ( default )
import { ThirdwebProvider, en } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const english = en();
<ThirdwebProvider locale={english}>
{" "}
<App />{" "}
Overriding the locale
import { ThirdwebProvider, en } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
// override some texts
const english = en({
connectWallet: {
confirmInWallet: "Confirm in your wallet",
wallets: {
metamaskWallet: {
connectionScreen: {
inProgress: "Awaiting Confirmation",
"Accept connection request in your MetaMask wallet",
<ThirdwebProvider locale={english}>
<App />

Custom locale object

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
<ThirdwebProvider locale={{ .... }}>
<App />

dAppMeta (optional)

Metadata to pass to wallet connect and walletlink wallet connect. (Used to show which dApp is being connected to in mobile wallets that support it) Defaults to just the name being passed as thirdweb powered dApp .

autoConnect (optional)

When the user has connected their wallet to your site, this flag determines whether or not you want to automatically connect to the last connected wallet when user visits your site again in the future. Defaults to true .

sdkOptions (optional)

Override any of the default values for the SDK. Gas settings, gasless transactions, RPC configuration, and more.

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
const sdkOptions = {
readonlySettings: {
rpcUrl: "<rpc-url>", // force read calls to go through your own RPC url
chainId: 1, // reduce RPC calls by specifying your chain ID
gasSettings: {
maxPriceInGwei: 123, // Maximum gas price for transactions (default 300 gwei)
speed: "fastest", // the tx speed setting: 'standard'|'fast|'fastest' (default: 'fastest')
gasless: {
// By specifying a gasless configuration - all transactions will get forwarded to enable gasless transactions
openzeppelin: {
relayerUrl: "<open-zeppelin-relayer-url>", // your OZ Defender relayer URL
relayerForwarderAddress: "<open-zeppelin-forwarder-address>", // the OZ defender relayer address (defaults to the standard one)
biconomy: {
apiId: "biconomy-api-id", // your Biconomy API Id
apiKey: "biconomy-api-key", // your Biconomy API Key
deadlineSeconds: 123, // your Biconomy timeout preference
infuraApiKey: "<infura-api-key>", // your Infura API key
alchemyApiKey: "<alchemy-api-key>", // your Alchemy API key
function Example() {
return (
<ThirdwebProvider sdkOptions={sdkOptions}>
<App />

authConfig (optional)

The configuration object for setting up Auth ; allowing users to sign in with their wallet. It takes an object with the following properties:

  • authUrl - The backend URL of the authentication endpoints. For example, if your endpoints are at /api/auth/login , /api/auth/logout , etc. then this should be set to /api/auth

  • domain - The frontend domain used to generate the login payload. This domain should match the domain used on your auth backend.

  • secureStorage - Secure storage to use when working with JWT tokens. By default auth uses cookies so no need to set this unless you want to specifically use JWT tokens

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
function MyApp() {
return (
authUrl: "/api/auth",
domain: "",
<YourApp />

signer (optional)

Use a signer instead of supportedWallets if you want to provide your own wallet connection logic.


Override the default Storage interface used by the SDK.

Allows you to create an instance of ThirdwebStorage with your own customized config, and pass it to the SDK. This requires the @thirdweb-dev/storage package to be installed.

Learn more about storage

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
import {
} from "@thirdweb-dev/storage";
// Configure a custom ThirdwebStorage instance
const storage = new ThirdwebStorage({
uploader: new IpfsUploader(),
downloader: new StorageDownloader(),
gatewayUrls: {
"ipfs://": [
// Provide the custom storage instance to the SDK
function MyApp() {
return (
<ThirdwebProvider storageInterface={storage}>
<YourApp />

queryClient (optional)

If you are using React Query and have your own QueryClient , you can pass it as the queryClient prop to use this client instead of the SDK's default client.

import { ThirdwebProvider } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
import {
} from "@tanstack/react-query";
function MyApp() {
// Your React Query client (or client from other library such as wagmi)
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
return (
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<ThirdwebProvider queryClient={queryClient}>
<YourApp />


let props: PropsWithChildren<ThirdwebProviderProps<TChains>>;


let returnType: Element;