Retrieves the owned ERC1155 tokenIds & the owned balance of each tokenId for a given wallet address.
import { getOwnedNFTs } from "thirdweb/extensions/erc1155";const ownedTokenIds = await getOwnedTokenIds({ contract, start: 0, count: 10, address: "0x123...",});
function getOwnedTokenIds( options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetOwnedTokenIdsParams>,): Promise<Array<{ balance: bigint; tokenId: bigint }>>;
The transaction options and parameters.
let options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetOwnedTokenIdsParams>;
let returnType: Promise<Array<{ balance: bigint; tokenId: bigint }>>;
A promise that resolves to an array of ERC1155 NFTs owned by the wallet address, along with the quantity owned.