Retrieves all valid offers based on the provided options.
import { getAllValidOffers } from "thirdweb/extensions/marketplace"; const validOffers = await getAllValidOffers({ contract, start: 0, count: 10,});
function getAllValidOffers( options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetAllValidOffersParams>,): Promise<Array<Offer>>;
The options for retrieving the valid offers.
let options: BaseTransactionOptions<GetAllValidOffersParams>;
let returnType: { asset: NFT; assetContractAddress: Address; currencyContractAddress: Address; currencyValue: GetBalanceResult; endTimeInSeconds: bigint; id: bigint; offerorAddress: Address; quantity: bigint; status: ListingStatus; tokenId: bigint; totalPrice: bigint;};
A promise that resolves to the offers array.