Return the profile data with Lens handle and optional join date
In Lens Protocol, each profile is associated with an ERC721 token, thus, the tokenId represent profileId and the 2 terms can be used interchangeably
import { getFullProfile } from "thirdweb/extension/lens"; const profileId = 10000n; // profileId is the tokenId of the NFTconst lensProfile = await getFullProfile({ profileId, client });
function getFullProfile( options: GetFullProfileParams,): Promise<FullProfileResponse>;
let options: { client: ThirdwebClient; includeJoinDate?: boolean; overrides?: { chain?: Chain; lensHandleAddress?: string; lensHubAddress?: string; tokenHandleRegistryAddress?: string; }; profileId: bigint;};
let returnType: { handle: string; joinDate: bigint | null; profileData: LensProfileSchema | null;} | null;