Wait for the user operation to be mined.
import { waitForUserOpReceipt } from "thirdweb/wallets/smart"; const receipt = await waitForUserOpReceipt({ chain, client, userOpHash,});
function waitForUserOpReceipt( args: BundlerOptions & { intervalMs?: number; timeoutMs?: number; userOpHash: `0x${string}`; },
let returnType: { blobGasPrice?: quantity; blobGasUsed?: quantity; blockHash: Hash; blockNumber: quantity; contractAddress: Address | null | undefined; cumulativeGasUsed: quantity; effectiveGasPrice: quantity; from: Address; gasUsed: quantity; logs: Array<Log<quantity, index, false>>; logsBloom: Hex; root?: Hash; status: status; to: Address | null; transactionHash: Hash; transactionIndex: index; type: type;};
The transaction receipt